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Make RNA analysis as easy as DNA analysis.

Name Cat. # Size Price Order
Reverse Transcriptase
5G Reverse Transcriptase ST36-5G 10,000 units $399.00
4G Reverse Transcriptase ST36-4G 10,000 units $399.00
M-MLV(H-) Reverse Transcriptase ST36-MM 10,000 units $399.00
Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase W140 200U / 200rxn $269.00 Link to Details
cDNA Synthesis Kit
5G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function SD37-5G 50 x 20 ul reactions $369.00
4G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function SD37-4G 50 x 20 ul reactions $269.00
PCR Enzymes
Taq DNA Polymerase STDP42-5K 5000 units $299.00
Taq-Probe Polymerase W145 250rxn $129.00 Link to Details
Taq-Fast Polymerase W148 500U / 250rxn $129.00 Link to Details
SYBR Green Dye-Based One-Step qRT-PCR Kit SRP128 250 reactions (20 ul/rxn) $379.00
1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W143 2mL / 200rxns $339.00 Link to Details
1-Step 2X Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W146 2mL / 200rxns $439.00 Link to Details
1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green Dye W144 2mL / 200rxns $299.00 Link to Details
1-Step 2X Fast RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green W147 2mL / 200rxns $339.00 Link to Details
1-Step 2X Super Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W149 2mL / 200rxns $469.00 Link to Details
qPCR Kits
Probe qPCR Master Mixes Click to product list
Ultra SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix Click to product list
2X qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W153 2mL / 200rxns $179.00
2X Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W156 2mL / 200rxns $229.00
2X Fast qPCR Master Mix-SYBR Green W157 2mL / 200rxns $129.00
2X Super Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe W159 2mL / 200rxns $229.00

more PCR kits

Name Cat. # Size Price Order
2x PCR PreMix (Green Dye), 10 ml SPG67-1K 1,000 x 20 ul rxn $199.00
2x PCR PreMix (Blue Dye), 10 ml SPB67-1K 1,000 x 20 ul rxn $199.00
dNTP Mix STDP41-10 10 ml $199.00
2x Genotyping PCR Ready Master Mix T403 250 x 20µL reactions $119.00
T403M 125 x 20µL reactions $79.00
T403S 50 x 20µL reactions $49.00
Mycoplasma Detection qPCR Kit T42030 100 reactions $249.00
2x GoldStar Best PCR Master Mix (with dye) W0655-1 1 mL, 100 rxn, 20 ul/rxn $99.00
2x Es Taq Master Mix (with dye) W0690-1 1 mL, 100 rxn, 20 ul/rxn $99.00
FastSYBR Mixture W0955-10 10 mL $289.00
W0955-25 25 mL $649.00
UltraSYBR Mixture W0957-1 1 mL $69.00
W0957-5 5 mL $199.00
Universal DNA Marker
(1 marker covers 100 bp ~ 10,000 bp)
W2583-50 50 rxn $99.00
W2583-100 100 rxn $189.00
W2583-500 500 rxn $699.00
1-Drop PCR Master Mix W2599-5 5 mL / 200 rxn $139.00
W2599S 1 mL / 40 rxn $39.00
2× Super Pfx MasterMix W2965-1 1 ml $49.00
W2965-10 10 ml $299.00
2× Flash HS PCR MasterMix (Dye) W3007-1 1 ml $49.00
W3007-10 10 ml $199.00
Yeast Bacteria Cell Lysis Buffer for PCR Y2020 50 rxns $16.00