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Water Bath / Tub Disinfection Treatment Tablets
(1 tablet cleans for 1 week / treats 1-4 gallons.)

101Bio Cat. #: T20 (20 Tablets) $ 79.00
101Bio Cat. #: T200 (200 Tablets) $ 779.00

Cat. #

$  79.99
 20 Tablets, 20 treatments (weeks)

200 Tablets, 200 treatments (weeks)
Also can buy from :


• This tablet is designed for disinfecting water baths and tubs. It protects against growth of fungi and bacteria, commonly found in water bath and incubator water tray.

• Reduces hard water deposits to extend water bath life span.

• Easy to use in tablet form, no measurement, no mess (1 tablet can treat 1-2 gallons of water for 1 week).

• No harm to skin after dissolved in water.

• Environmentally friendly

Shipping / Storage

Ship and store at room temperature (RT), keep in a cool, dry, and dark place.

Shelf Life

12 months

Manual (protocol)
  All-Lab Water Bath Treatment Tablet