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1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green DyeMake RNA analysis as easy as DNA analysis.


1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green Dye

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- The 1-Step Fast 2X RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR amplifications with SYBR Green dye particularly for fast thermocycling.
- The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene- specific primers and RNA template. Research use only.


- The kit is designed for singleplex RT-PCR with SYBR Green dye.
- For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
- The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
- The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
- The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
- The kit also contains Taq DNA polymerase for PCR with SYBR Green dye.
- The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (Table 1).
- The preferred PCR product size is ≤150bp.
- The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
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