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Long-term Cell Tracer 675 (Red, Cat.# P710R)
Long-term Cell Tracer 580 (Yellow, Cat.# P710Y)
Long-term Cell Tracer 535 (Green, Cat.# P710G)
Cat.# Color Excitation Emission Volume Price Order
P710RS Red 488nm or 532nm 675nm (650nm~800nm) 0.1 ml $ 249.00
P710R Red 488nm or 532nm 675nm (650nm~800nm) 1 ml $ 599.00
P710YS Yellow 405nm or 488nm 580nm (550nm~600nm) 0.1 ml $ 249.00
P710Y Yellow 405nm or 488nm 580nm (550nm~600nm) 1 ml $ 599.00
P710GS Green 405nm 535nm (470nm~600nm) 0.1 ml $ 249.00
P710G Green 405nm 535nm (470nm~600nm) 1 ml $ 599.00
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Cell Tracer is for long-term tracing of a wide range of cell types, including cancer cells, Bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC), Peripheral blood mononuclear cell,Endothelial progenitor cell, human/mice mesenchymal stem cells, skin stem cells et al. This product is for research use only.


200 nm


  • in vitro  tracing: 12 generations
  • in vivo   tracing: 3 weeks
  • Description

    Cell Tracers are a class of organic fluorescent dots with comparable size and photostability to inorganic quantum dots (QDs) to overcome the limitations of quantum dots (e.g., potential toxicity and compromised fluorescence in presence of ROS) in advanced bio-imaging applications. Upon conjugation with a cell penetrating peptide, Cell Tracer show excellent labeling efficiency to living cells and outperform the current gold standard, inorganic quantum dots cell labeling kits, in long-term in vitro/in vivo cell tracing applications.

    Stem cell tracing study also suggests that Cell Tracer has no negative effect on mesenchymal stem cell differentiation. The merits of Cell Tracer make them promising alternatives to quantum dot probes, which is of high importance for translational research applications.

    Additionally, the biocompatible polymeric matrix endows this kind of organic fluorescent dots customized surface functional groups for further modification/conjugation with a variety of biomolecules for specific imaging tasks besides cell tracking.

    • Long term photostability - 3 weeks in vivo
    • Polymeric dots, nonviral system, direct labeling, no viral footprint
    • High brightness - high signal to noise ratio
    • Different colors - blue, green, yellow, red
    • Low toxicity - no heavy metal elements
    • Customization friendly - can conjugate with desired biomolecules
    • easy to use - only one component

    Shipping / Storage

    Ship at room temperature. Store at 4℃, -20℃ or -80℃.  Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

    Shelf Life

    1 months at room temperature, 3 months at 4℃, 12 months at -20℃ or -80℃ (preferred).

    Manual (protocol)


    • The varied colors of Cell Tracers enable simultaneous tracking of two distinct cell groups, facilitating the study of their migration and interaction.
    Long-term Cell Tracer, stable labeling
    Long-term Cell Tracer, long lasting labeling
    Long-term Cell Tracer, low toxicity
    Figure 2. Cell Tracer gives strong sinal at day 12 in vivo
    Long-term Cell Tracer, long term in vivo labeling
    In vivo fluorescence images of mouse subcutaneously injected by 1 million C6 glioma cells imediately after labeling by 2 nM of (a) Cell Tracer (day 0 and day 12), and (b) Other tracker 655 (day 0 and day 7), respectively. Images were taken at designated days post injection.
    At day 12, the injected cells labeled by Cell Tracer still emitted intense fluorescence, while the fluorescence from other tracker-labeled cells could not be detected at day 7.
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