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2-Phosphoglycerate Colorimetric / Fluorometric Assay


2-Phosphoglycerate Colorimetric / Fluorometric Assay

Cat. #


Product Size

100 tests


2-phosphoglycerate (2PG) is an important intermediate in the glycolysis pathway. 2PG is converted by enolase to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) which is a key step from glucose to pyruvate. Aberrant glycolytic metabolism is a highly studied and potentially critical mechanism for ATP generation in cancer cells (The Warburg effect). Measurement of intracellular 2PG levels is a useful tool for analyzing the glycolytic pathway and its relevance to cancer research.


  • Measurement of 2-Phosphoglycerate in various tissues/cells.
  • Analysis of carbohydrate metabolism and cell signaling.
  • Cancer research.

Key Features

  • Flexible: it can be used on 96 well or 384 well plate with colorimetric and fluorometric assay.
  • Accuracy: Absorbance and Fluorescence intensity is proportional to the 2PG level.

Shipping / Storage

Ship at 4℃,Store at -20℃

Shelf Life

12 months

Manual (protocol)

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